

Customer service is becoming increasingly flimsy and deteriorating for some businesses. Many customers call institutions or businesses seeking replies or accurate information, only to return frustrated.

A business or institution either doesn't reply to a phone call or email or puts a customer on a long hold. If a customer is lucky enough to get an answer, it often does not satisfy them.

Customers have noticed that by calling a business twice, they receive two different answers, with the second answer contradicting the first. Some companies try to answer frequently asked questions on web pages, but customers cannot easily reach these pages. Finding these web pages is a nightmare within a complex website structure, and the information provided is often too general to be helpful. Such FAQs cannot address every query. Agents or customer service representatives are not well-trained, and their behavior ruins the customer experience.

These issues are not limited to call centers but also occur in many regular businesses where customers buy coffee or other products.

Existing Solutions

Many companies have introduced various chatbots and virtual assistants to enhance customer service. Some provide live chats through their platforms to address customer problems promptly.

Many of these chatbots, including those based on ChatGPT, excel at answering FAQs and reducing the burden on human receptionists and customer service agents.

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The hospitality industry, in particular, has leveraged voice assistants to enhance guest experiences. By deploying these voice assistance devices, hotels and resorts have improved service quality while reducing business costs and wait times. This seamless integration of AI technology has streamlined operations and has created a more personalized and efficient interaction between guests and service providers. (Buhalis, 28)

Internet companies often offer automated steps to resolve issues before connecting a client with a customer service representative, streamlining the support process.

Additionally, businesses are exploring more advanced AI solutions that integrate seamlessly with customer relationship management (CRM) systems. These sophisticated AI tools can analyze customer data in real-time, providing personalized responses and proactive support. Innovations like AI-driven analysis are helping companies understand customer emotions and tailor their interactions accordingly, leading to higher satisfaction rates.



Despite all the incredible features offered by chatbots, there are limitations to these systems.

All chatbots work based on provided data and cannot go beyond that to learn new patterns in data. They are mostly limited to answering FAQs offered on companies' websites.

Addressing unique and specific inquiries related to some customers is still an issue for many chatbot software because companies train chatbots for general queries.

Integration with other software is also challenging for many chatbots because few technologies allow them to access their software through APIs.

Chatbots in the market are often bound to websites or existing messaging platforms, which limits customers' access to quality customer service.

One of the most significant limitations of chatbots is their inability to take action or make decisions. Most humans prefer to reach a customer service representative for actions so they can solve their problems effectively. (Rana, 2024)

VBot's Role in Customer Service

VBot is rapidly advancing its capabilities in the customer service industry, offering innovative solutions to address some of the common limitations discussed above.

VBot uses a combination of GPT and its own deep learning and machine learning algorithms to craft a functional AI receptionist. This combination of algorithms has enabled VBot to deliver better solutions for decision-making and action-taking.

One current solution that VBot offers is assisting customers with booking appointments. VBot can decide with 90% accuracy when a customer wants to book an appointment.

This solution is customizable, and Vbot can extend it to address many problems. For example, users can customize VBot to take orders for a restaurant, helping to streamline online orders and ensuring restaurants fulfill them accurately.

VBot is not limited to desktop and website embedding; it also works with voice calls and SMS, breaking the limits of only being available online.

Vbot's expanded accessibility ensures quality customer service across various platforms and channels, meeting customers where they are and enhancing their overall experience.

VBot's Future

VBot has already broken many barriers in chatbot technology and is on its way to becoming a reliable AI receptionist. VBot is ambitious, envisioning a future where it can function as a complete and capable AI employee, performing complex tasks and allowing humans to focus on more creative work.

Shortly, VBot aims to invest further in its AI algorithms to overcome the problem of unique issues related to specific customers. Instead of providing generalized answers, VBot plans to analyze interactions with individual customers to determine precisely the hurdles and offer tailored solutions.

Another crucial plan is to enhance its lead generation capabilities. Currently, VBot can send SMS to customers' phone numbers, but by the end of August, it aims to make this feature more innovative and capable.

VBot already provides voice service through phone calls and is envisioning extending this voice capability to its embedded version. It will allow customers to choose between text and voice options, enhancing their experience.

By the end of this year, VBot plans to introduce voice cloning for its users, enabling businesses to interact with customers using realistic human voices.


Despite some limitations, chatbot technologies have improved customer service. As AI technology progresses, so will AI chatbots, addressing many of their current limitations.

VBot, developed by Robo The Virtual Bot Inc., is rapidly investing in this technology to overcome these challenges. The future of customer service with AI promises to be more reliable and satisfactory, reducing frustration and helping businesses achieve higher ratings and customer trust.


Buhalis, D. (28, November 2021). Voice assistants in hospitality:. JHTT 13,3, p. 388. Retrieved from

Rana, J. (2024, May 2023). limitations-of-chatbot. Retrieved from revechat:
